It’s an exhilarating feeling that words fail to capture.
The National American Blokart Sailing Association embraces and elevates the spirit in all of us to get outside
and play. We embrace the fun factor and we embrace the pursuit of speed. Blokart is the most environmentally
friendly way to go FAST and have a BLAST. There aren’t many ways to go-fast that don't involve an internal
combustion engine, a lot of noise, specialized tools, tunes ups, fuel and air pollution.
At NABSA we support, promote and educate our members on the exciting land sailing sport using a Blokart.
There’s no stereotypical member. From age 6 to 86 they all share a common passion for the thrill of harnessing
the wind on land and ice. NABSA ignites our competitive spirit to compete with ourselves and also compete with
others. You can take it as far and as fast as your heart desires.
There are very few rules, just one really . . . lay back and let it rip!